Clearing My Head

This is a journal of my trip through Scripture for 2006. The entries are my own personal notes on the passages, highlighting the things which stand out to me. I am using a Through-the-Bible-in-one-year plan, as well as a commentary on the Psalms by James Montgomery Boice, which I am using as a devotional.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Psalm 24

The Palm Sunday Psalm. Boice contemplates the idea that this psalm was used in worship on the first day of the week in temple worship. That means that these words were being read in worship as Jesus was riding the donkey's colt into Jerusalem. That this psalm is Messianic in nature is obvious. Certainly David could have been writing about bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem, but the deeper meaning must be of the King of glory entering the gates and ancient doors of the Holy City.

The first two verses speak to the universality of God. He is not Israel's God alone. He is the God of the world. Everything in the earth and in fact, the very planet itself belongs to Him. After all, He made it.

Verses 3-6 echo Psalm 15, asking who is worthy to ascend the hill, or climb the hill toward the temple mount. That person must have clean hands and a pure heart -- signifying deeds AND intentions. That person is not idolatrous nor false. Admittedly, none of us measure up completely, but it is the person who seeks these things who is worthy to come.

Then the Messianic entrance of verses 7-10. Some think this was sung in parts by different voices -- an approaching group, a voice within the gates and the people in general. We can't be sure, but we can see the obvious respect and awe given the approaching King of glory.


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