Clearing My Head

This is a journal of my trip through Scripture for 2006. The entries are my own personal notes on the passages, highlighting the things which stand out to me. I am using a Through-the-Bible-in-one-year plan, as well as a commentary on the Psalms by James Montgomery Boice, which I am using as a devotional.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Psalm 29

Wow! God revealed in the power of a thunderstorm. I've sat and watched many a storm and I am always amazed by the power contained within. David is doing much the same thing, only David is a poet and I'm just a simple blogger!

Ascribe to the Lord. Calling on the angels themselves to worship God and give Him glory. Why? Obviously David doesn't feel like he's getting the job done himself. There's yet another feeling I can relate with. My own praise seems so empty when I consider Whom it is I am praising and what He so richly deseves.

The approaching storm arrives in verse three. The voice of the Lord is the thunder -- again insufficient to do justice to Him. Yet the incredible power and might is apparent. That "voice" breaks the cedars of Lebanon -- long pointed out as the symbol of earthly strength. Mr. Hermon (Sirion) is shaken, the Desert of Kadesh as well. Trees are stripped and oaks twisted and toppled. And the response by those in the temple is simply, "Glory!"

The aftereffects of the storm is a flood, which the Lord is enthroned over. The parallels to the Deluge are apparent when you realize that the only time this Hebrew word for flood is used in the OT are here and in the Genesis flood account.

Then God's people are blessed with peace. The calm after the storm. God is still on His throne after a small demonstration of a fraction of His power. It is the "still small voice" or gentle whisper heard by Elijah. God has seen us through many storms.


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